
// 2022
Creation is a mixed-media animation film.
This project was done as my graduation project under the mentorship and sponsership of Plankton Collective, Bengaluru. The film was awarded 'Best Animation Film' in Made in WUD Graduate Show 2022.
Day and night, beginning and end, life and death -
creation is made of opposites.
Bhajju Shyam, Gita Wolf
Within the ever-unfolding tapestry of existence, the process of creation knows no bounds; it's an unending cycle. We are all born to lead lives of creativity, each of us a unique and distinct individual despite our common origins. Among the Earth's creatures, humans alone possess the extraordinary gift of creating music and art.
Nature, that most wondrous and enigmatic force, stands as our supreme muse, an endless wellspring of creativity.
The identity of the creator and the genesis of all things remain shrouded in mystery. Yet, across diverse individuals, landscapes, and communities, we each weave our own tales about the creator and the act of creation.
In this symphony of life, every living thing must both create and, eventually, return to the embrace of eternity.
Characters explorations for the film
For the visual treatment, I experimented with digital and traditional media like watercolors, ink, charcoal, oil pastels, printmaking & collage to develop the visuals for the film. 
Later, I decided to develop the visuals with print making & collage. I made the stamps by carving foam sheets with a ball point pen to create patterns for the background. The foam sheets helped in creating a nice texture,
Made the visuals on paper, scanned and composed them on Photoshop, The final editing was done on Adobe Aftereffects, 

Watch the film below :)
Thank you!
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